Connecting India through Highways

The total road network of India at end of FY16 is 5603293km. The total road length of the country increased significantly from 3.99 lakh kms during the period 31st March, 1951 to 54.02 lakh km during the period 2013-14 to 54.72 lakh kms upto the period 31st March 2015, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.2% during the year 1951 to 2015.The highway data has been maintained by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH). The net length of national highways at end of financial year has shown below -

NHAI has accomplished construction of 3,979 km of national highways in the financial year 2019-20. This is the highest ever highway construction achieved in a financial year. By FY21, the total highway length reached  151019 km. Out of total roads, India's net length of highway is 2% but it carries almost 40% of total traffic. MORTH and NHAI has given a special naming convention to highways. All odd numbered highways move East-West and all even numbered highways move North-South. The first mega highway project took place under leadership of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee connecting India's 4 big cities Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai and Kolkata. He laid the foundation stone of Golden Quadrilateral in 1999. This is 5th largest highway in the World. The 1st place hold by 48000km long Pan American Highway.

NH 16, 19 and 48 marked the Golden Quadrilateral. NS-EW corridor is made of NS (NH 44) and EW (NH 27). 

National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is now focusing on access controlled greenfield expressway across major cities in India. 94.5 km long Mumbai-Pune Expressway is India's first access controlled expressway. The below are some of the under-construction expressways of India.


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