One year of CAA

 It's been a year since CAA was passed. Even after a year, no Indian has lost citizenship due to CAA. But many lives lost due to misinformation spread by oppositions for their political gains. Now lets understand CAA a little better.

First and foremost CAB/CAA has nothing to do with Indian Citizen. It is only ammending Article 5 (Citizenship Act, 1955) of Indian constitution. In India, you can be citizen by 5 ways - By birth, By decent, By Naturalisation (CAA applicable to only this), By Registration, By incorporation of territory. The Act allows a person to apply for citizenship by naturalisation, if the person meets certain qualifications. One of the qualifications is that the person must have resided in India or been in central government service for the last 12 months and at least 11 years of the preceding 14 years. For the specified class of illegal migrants (persecuted Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists and Zoroastrians/Parsis from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh) the number of years of residency has been relaxed from 11 years to five years. The act clarifies that the proposed amendments on citizenship to the specified class of illegal migrants will not apply to certain areas. These are: (i) the tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Tripura, as included in the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, and (ii) the states regulated by the “Inner Line” permit under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations 1873. These Sixth Schedule tribal areas include Karbi Anglong (in Assam), Garo Hills (in Meghalaya), Chakma District (in Mizoram), and Tripura Tribal Areas District. Further, the Inner Line Permit regulates visit of all persons, including Indian citizens, to Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Nagaland.

More than half of the protestors are either mixing CAA with NRC or they had no idea on this. They were simply protesting because the other person is protesting.

Another miscommunication raised that NRC will remove the citizenship who can't prove it and protect the Non Muslims by applying CAA. But to get citizenship under CAA, you have to show the citizenship documents like passport from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Now please answer how an Indian will show the citizenship of above 3 countries?


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