India and UNSC permanent membership

After WWII, United Nation was formed. The five permanent members are Russia, the U.K., China, France and the United States and these countries can veto any substantive resolution. India is one of the 51 Founding Members of UN. In 2021, India is becoming Non-Permanent member of UNSC after garnering 184 votes in the General Assembly that consists of 193 members. This is India’s non-permanent membership for the 8th time. Though India is a founder member, India was never part of Permanent 5. Thus India alongside Brazil, japan and Germany formed G4 nation. This group will support each other to make it to Permanent Membership.

Below are the reason I want mention why India can become a UNSC permanent member.

  1. India is the first country outside P5 to carry out peaceful nuclear test (Operation Smiling Buddha, 1974).
  2. Roughly 1.75 million (WWI) + 2.5 million (WWII) Indians fought for the British in 2 World Wars.
  3. India has successfully test fired ICBMs and IRBMs.
  4. India became 4th country to successfully conduct the A-SAT (Anti Satellite) test.
  5. India is only country outside P5 to operate Ballistic Nuclear Submarine (SSBN).
  6. India is one of the largest contributor in UN Peacekeeping force and has World's 2nd largest standing Army after China.
  7. India is World's 3rd largest Drug manufacturer by volume and a big amount of generic drug is exported across the Globe.
  8. India is a member of different multilateral export control regimes such as - MTCR, Australia Group and Wassenaar Arrangement. 
  9. India's soft power can be visible through Yoga, Meditation, Holi Festival, Bollywood etc.


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