Why China has more impact than India in South Asian nations?

First of all look at the Forex reserve of China from below list. It increased till $3.84 trillion in 2014 and then started decreasing.

That high rise was named "Peaceful Rise" ("Heping Jueqi") under Hu Jintao. Then came Xi in power in 2013 and opened "One Belt One Road" initiative. This was nothing but the "SuperPower" dream by giving loans to economically weaker countries from their excessive forex reserves. This is the point when China is putting more money than India in the economically smaller South Asian countries. Now you may say why India cannot support them with more money than China. The answer is India doesn't have that much Forex reserve. India's current Forex reserve is $575.29 billion (Nov 20, 2020) which rose from $304.2 billion in March 2014. Now you can ask why India cannot achieve high Forex reserve but China did? Well, China's economic liberalization happened under Deng Xiaoping in 1977 and for India it happened during PM Narasimha Rao's regime (when Dr. Manmohan Singh was Finance Minister). So there is a lag of approx. 15 years.

The thing is getting more complicated under ongoing US - China Cold War where China is aiding help with more money to gain support in the developing World.


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